「 Goods for Good 好品•好事 」是 The Vacademy 尚學堂旗下的一個品牌,鼓吹把藝術和慈善結合,賦予商品新的附加價值後再進行推廣販售,提供更有品味和品質的慈善義賣品的同時,也直接回饋給福祉作業中的殘障和弱勢製作者。我們相信這群殘障和弱勢 ”追夢者“ 創作的小小商品,承载着梦想和對生命不放棄的熱情。當我們支持一位 ”追夢者“ ,我們為他帶來的鼓勵和力量是無可限量。
Goods For Goods is a sub brand of The Vacademy that advocate bringing charity and arts together where values were added to products before selling them for partial or fully charity; offering tasteful good goods that sells for charity that directly give back to the disadvatange and disable who created them. We believe the goods created by the Dream Chasers who are disable & disadvantage hold the cream and passion for life. When we support one Cream Chaser, we are giving them unlimited strength and encouragements.


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我们以每盒 “好品。好事” 将在网上 /特定地点贩售。
产品会在在网上/特定地点贩售。而产品售后的50% 盈利将给予弱势匠人。
Each product is designed and curated by designers and artisans and made by special individual who are disables & disabilties.
Each box of Goods for Good will be sold on selective locations and online
The product will then be sold on repective location or online. 50% of the profit will be given back to its artisan maker.
The wages will be used as the special individuals startup fund while you will get to have a beatifully designed goods for good.